“Dad, I need a demigorgon.”
“A what?” I asked.
“A demigorgon, for my DnD campaign.”
“Ok, let’s find a model for one and we’ll make one.”
After a bit of Googling and searching on designer’s sites, we were able to find an stl file for a demigorgon. By the way, if you need dnd stls, try https://www.shapeways.com/shops/dmworkshop. He has about the most complete collection of files that I was able to find.
This is what I love about 3d printing. When my son needs a demigorgon I can make him one. Now he can have a demigorgon for his dnd campaign instead of having to use a nickel for a placeholder.
The good townfolks below are getting ready to faceoff against the demigorgon, but I’m not sure who will win.