I’ve printed parts in the past that end up looking like something was dragged across the surface while it was printing. In reality, something may have been dragging across the surface. The first thing that I check when this happens is to make sure that the nozzle is clear. This is a typical sign that the nozzle may be clogged.
If it does turn out to be clogged, I do a “cold pull.” Heat the nozzle up 20 – 25 degrees past what you use it at during printing. Then let it cool completely. The idea is that any debris will collect into the filament. Once it is cool, heat it up again but tug on it from the extruder end. It will break loose from the nozzle at a much lower temp than what you print at. Hopefully, any debris that was clogging the nozzle comes with it. Just cut the end of the filament off and feed it back in.