I see this question pop up sometimes in help forums and chatrooms. My experience with filament has been “you get what you pay for.” I’m all for lowering operating costs, but do it carefully.
Here are some of the risks you should be aware of:
- Clogging: Cheap filament can contain foreign particles or impurities that can clog your nozzle or damage your extruder. This can result in poor print quality, failed prints, or even permanent damage to your printer. Clogging can also waste your time and filament as you try to fix the problem or reprint your model.
- Fumes: Cheap filament can emit toxic fumes or volatile organic compounds (VOCs) that can harm your health or the environment. Some filaments, such as ABS, produce more fumes than others, such as PLA or PETG. Fumes can cause allergic reactions, respiratory irritation, headaches, nausea, or other symptoms. Fumes can also pollute the air and contribute to global warming.
- Quality: Cheap filament can have inconsistent diameter, color, or strength. This can affect the accuracy, appearance, and durability of your prints. Cheap filament can also have poor adhesion, warping, or brittleness. Quality issues can compromise the functionality and aesthetics of your prints and make them unsuitable for certain applications.
To avoid these risks, you should use high-quality filament from reputable brands that have good reviews and ratings. You should also follow the recommended settings for your printer and filament, such as temperature, speed, and cooling. You should also print in a well-ventilated area or use a filter or enclosure to reduce the exposure to fumes.