After trying to print a QR code over the weekend, I decided to tune in my retraction settings. Step 1, I printed a retraction tower. I printed a tower with different levels, with retraction distance set at 0mm, 2mm, 4mm, 6mm, 8mm, and 10mm.
2mm of retraction was a clear winner for my machine, so I decided to dial it in more. I printed another tower at 1mm, 1.5mm, 2mm, 2.5mm, 3mm, and 3.5mm. 2mm was again the clear winner for my machine, so next I decided to play with the retraction speed settings. Most source recommend a retraction speed of 35-40mm/s. I printed a retraction tower with speeds of 30mm/s, 35mm/s, 40mm/s, 45mm/s, 50mm/s, 55mm/s. 40 and 45 both looked pretty good so I printed another one that ranged from 39mm/s – 44mm/s.
Judging from the towers that I printed, my optimal settings are 2mm at 42mm/s.