I hear a lot of people that have difficulty with their prints curling off of the bed. This can be caused by a number of different things, which I will outline below:
- The most common problem is that the bed is not clean. The solution to this is also simple. Clean the bed. I use isopropyl alcohol with a lint free cloth before and after every print.
- Another common problem is that the nozzle is too near or too far from the bed and the filament doesn’t stick properly, then over time it pulls away from the bed. If this is the case, then you need to level the bed. It could also be that your bed itself is warped, in which case I usually recommend that people look into a mesh bed level.
- Temperature is another important aspect to making sure that your prints don’t warp. During the winter, I use an enclosure to ensure that the temperature around my printer is stable. For the first 2-3 layers, I also raise the bed temperature and the nozzle temperature by about 5 degrees and turn off any cooling.
- Speaking of cooling, too much cooling can also warp your print. Adjust your fan settings so that it doesn’t cool too fast and warp.
Something to consider. I see many people giving the advice of adding painter’s tape or glue onto their bed to make the filament stick better. This is only my personal opinion, but I believe that this masks any real issues that your machine may have. I believe that it’s far better to fully understand the mechanics of the root cause of the warping and address that, rather than just adding some glue and hoping for the best.