If frequency were the only indicator, you would guess that printing different versions of the Venom Symbiote was my favorite thing to print. I’ve printed green ones, black ones, and in this case, I printed a transparent one.
I had to completely rebuild my hotend after this one, over a very simple mistake.
I had purchased a new hotend (complete) to replace one that I was having problems with. I put it on my printer and started printing and you can see the results for yourself.
What I forgot to do is “hot tightening.” When assembling the hotend together (at room temperature) you screw in the nozzle and the heat break until they touch. My heat sink also has some setscrews that need to be tightened. At room temperature, everything is tight. However, when things heat up and expand, little gaps in between each of the components will occur. The solution to this is to heat up your hotend to around 20 degrees beyond what you intend to print at, and then finish tightening the components.